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A Sense of Place / Steve
Gillette & Cindy Mangsen
A true labor of love, this album is as close as we could come to a musical
synesthetic of our life in Vermont. Steve sings and plays rhythm guitar, lead
guitar, high-string and feet, Cindy sings and plays guitars, accordion, English
concertina, mountain dulcimer, Mark Schatz: bass, Scott Petito: bass on
"Traveler", Pete Sutherland: fiddle, piano, Jennifer Weeks: oboe, and
Jack Williams: guitar on "Long, Long Trail
Tide and
the River Rising, Sunrise, Reel Beatrice, Eclipse, Traveler, Margery Grey,
Buddy & Carol's Waltz, Ou Vas-tu, Mon Petit Garcon? / Point au Pic, The
Architecture Song, Shenandoah Falls / Cincinnati Rag, When the First Leaves
Fall, Long, Long Trail.
CD only, (Redwing RWMCD 5409)
Click here to order

The CDs are $10.00 and the books are $15.00 Please
add $3.00 to the total to cover shipping and handling. Let us know if you would
like an autograph.
Please make check for total
amount payable to:
Compass Rose Music * Post Office Box 147 *
North Bennington,VT 05257

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