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"Songwriting and the Creative Process"
An Internet Tutorial by Steve Gillette
Welcome to the Internet and the Songwriter's Tutorial Site. This is a complete course in the principles of songwriting, based on materials from the book "Songwriting and the Creative Process," by Steve Gillette. The book, from Sing Out! Publications, can be purchased from the online store at this web site. Steve Gillette is the writer or co-writer of Darcy Farrow, Bed of Roses, The Old Trail, Back on the Street Again, Grapes on the Vine, Cryin' Don't Even Come Close, and many other well known songs.
The articles are presented with the permission of the publisher in hopes that working with the materials will instill in the reader a desire to own the book.
A songwriter never ceases to become a student, and it is the author's hope that he will be able to reach the student of songwriting through the miraculous channels of the Internet and provide him or her with a useful dialog.
Please share any thoughts you have or any corrections you would like to see made. Our intention is that use of the pages in this way will create needed revisions and keep the book from becoming obsolete.
All the best,
Steve Gillette
Post Office Box 147
North Bennington, Vermont 05257